Friday 4 March 2011

Teacher Feedback:

Here's the feedback that I recieved from my teacher about my latest DPS, Contents page, and front Cover:

Here is some feedback:
Like first pic
Need paragraphs and be careful of the length of them
“We are an uprising” or We are uprising?
Use pull quotes
Needs a standfirst
Sub headings to break up text
Models and mise en scene – consider retaking photos – need to be convincing rock stars with convincing costumes
Same pics as DPS – what else is in your magazine?
A bit boxy
Page numbers not emphasised – be unique (font?)
Model needs to be looking up to engage with the audience
Mise en scene again – costume? Model? Rock?
Good manipulation of colour and back and white
The play button/logo is behind the bar code
Seems quite simplistic for a rock cover – what has been your inspiration for this?
Slogan is a question – should it be a statement instead?
Main cover line lacks impact because of chosen font

From this, I have decided I am going to play around more with my work. I am going to take some new photos which are more related to the genre of the magazine. I am going to change the small points that have been noted, and hopefully this will be enough to get me the level 4.

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