Friday, 25 March 2011

Wednesday, 23 March 2011

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Evaluation activity 1
Evaluation activity 1

Saturday, 19 March 2011

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

Click above for voice recording. Beneath is the script for the recording:

I think that I am going to use ‘Future PLC’ as these seem the best option available to me to sell my product. ‘Future PLC’ also publishes well known magazines such as ‘Classic Rock’ and ‘Guitarist,’ which have similar target market to me. Future and other magazine publishers have the responsibility of helping production of magazines so that it can be distributed to the general public. Over the years Future have made a wide variety of magazines that are music based as well as other genres i.e. games based, camera magazines etc. They have distributed magazines with similar genres to mine such as ‘Classic Rock’ and ‘Guitarist’ but I believe they would still distribute mine as I am aiming mine at a teenage audience unlike those other magazines that are aimed at an older age group, hence the name Classic Rock. Future make massive revenue’s consistently every year, for example, 162.9 million in 2008 and 153.1 million, so therefore I think that they would be a good company to invest in my magazine as they would be able to provide good funding and their experience would be helpful to make my magazine more successful.

Wednesday, 16 March 2011

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

This here is the Dell Inspiron 1545 laptop that I used to do most of my project on. I used pretty much every program on this laptop, as well as some work on the school computer.

To transfer my work from my laptop at home to school, I either brought my laptop to school, or I sent my work via e-mail through windows live messenger:
To take images of my artists and other components, I used this Sony Cyber-shot DSC-P100 camera:

I gained skills on Adobe Photoshop Elements, which is what I used to construct my magazine cover, contents and DPS:

I used to show inspiration for my magazine:

I created a lot of coursework posts using microsoft Powerpoint:

I then posted all my coursework slides on my blog:

Also, I have used a range of websites to present my work:

Since I started my coursework, I hadn't used a range of the programs and websites that I have just mentioned such as Prezi, slideshare and animoto.
  I also developed a lot of my skills on other programs like Adobe Photoshop, and learnt how to use a lot more features than before. In particular, I learnt to use the magic wand tool, which allowed me to select sections of my image, perfectly to the boundary. This meant that I could delete, colour, or add texture to any clear section of an image. I also learnt to use the layers quite easily. At first, I didn't really understand the use of layers, as I liked to work on 1 whole layer, but after lots of practice, I learnt that I could manipulate specific parts of the image by creating different layers. As well as these, I learnt how a range of the tools worked so that my final product looked a lot more professional. Some of these tools were: Custom shape tool, line tool, red eye removal tool, magnetic lasso tool, and others. By using the large range of features available to me from Photoshop, I managed to create a much more professional looking product than what I would have been able to do before starting the course.
 Since this project, I now feel quite confident in most of the programs that I've used and may use them again when presenting work again.

Tuesday, 15 March 2011

Looking back at your preliminary task (the continuity editing task), what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to full product?

Looking back at your preliminary task (the continuity editing task), what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to full product?

Since my preliminary cover and contents, I have purchased Adobe Photoshop elements 7 and have been able to practice with it. I have also become much more aware of professional magazines, their layouts, their styles, and their colour schemes, which is why I have been able to create a much more sofisticated and professional magazine cover and contents than before.
  My new magazine is more professional looking than my previous attempt because for a start, it is more eye-catching. The background has some colour applied to it, and is therefore more interesting to look at. In the previous magazine attempt, some of the cover lines are tilted and at angles. My new attempt does not feature cover lines like this, as all these are straight and horizontal. Conventional magazines do not feature tilted cover lines, so therefore my new attempt follows conventions, whereas the previous attempt broke them. Also, on the contents page, the list of contents on my latest attempt are all grouped together down one side, whereas on my other attempt they are randomly spread out across the page. Conventional magazines have their list of contents down one side or another, or are atleast grouped together, like in my new magazine, whereas this convention is again broken in the first attempt at a magazine. I think the main reason why my new magazine looks more professional, is because it follows most conventions, whereas my old magazine attempt broke most of these conventions.
 My newer skills that I have learnt on Photoshop also helped to create a more sophisticated and professional looking magazine. Since practicing with my Photoshop, I have learnt how to use a range of new techniques that I didn't know of before. I learnt how to use the magic wand tool to select certain parts of the image quickly and effectively. I have learnt how to change the colours of the background, and the whole image whilst keeping other aspects colourful. I learnt how to group objects and layers, and how to apply red eye reduction. As well as all these aspects, I also just became more confident in using the program and have become more skilled when using it.
  I have developed my skills a lot since starting this project and have learnt a lot about what magazines should look like, and how the layout should be set out on the page. Due to these things I have been able to create a new piece of work which I am proud of and have created a professional looking magazine.

Wednesday, 9 March 2011

Cover changes:

I have received some more feedback from my teachers about how much writing on the page, and have made several changes, but now I'm considering which layout works best, so I've experimented with a range of covers, and I will choose from these which is the best one for my final cover:

Monday, 7 March 2011

New cover:

Now that I have changed some of the images on my magazine, and some of the other smaller features, here is my new cover, contents page and DPS:

New Pictures:

Here I have taken some more pictures for my magazine using the timer. My feedback from my teachers said that the original pictures weren't dressed appropriatly for the genre of my magazine and that it didn't seem rock enough. So I looked at some earlier inspiration pictures and leather jackets seemed to be common, which was an item that I also had. Another thing that my teachers mentioned was that it would be better if on the front cover, the model was looking at the camera, so I have a lot more images where I am looking at the camera instead. From these new photos, I have decided that I will use this image for my cover:
And this image for my DPS:

Saturday, 5 March 2011

Contents changes:

From my feedback, I have noticed that my contents doesn't need changing as much as the other two pages. So, because of this I am going to change these smaller things first. One of the points that my teacher commented on was that the picture of the drummer of 'Uprising,' is the same image that is used on my DPS and on my contents. So therefore, I have decided to change the image. Instead of taking new images, I have decided to make an album cover that is situated next to the review section, which talks about the new 'Uprising' album. I have created this album cover on Photoshop, and have based it on Nirvana's debut album. By doing this, I think it makes the magazine seem a bit more realistic and includes my made up artist a bit more:

Inspiration:                                                                          My Version:

Friday, 4 March 2011

Teacher Feedback:

Here's the feedback that I recieved from my teacher about my latest DPS, Contents page, and front Cover:

Here is some feedback:
Like first pic
Need paragraphs and be careful of the length of them
“We are an uprising” or We are uprising?
Use pull quotes
Needs a standfirst
Sub headings to break up text
Models and mise en scene – consider retaking photos – need to be convincing rock stars with convincing costumes
Same pics as DPS – what else is in your magazine?
A bit boxy
Page numbers not emphasised – be unique (font?)
Model needs to be looking up to engage with the audience
Mise en scene again – costume? Model? Rock?
Good manipulation of colour and back and white
The play button/logo is behind the bar code
Seems quite simplistic for a rock cover – what has been your inspiration for this?
Slogan is a question – should it be a statement instead?
Main cover line lacks impact because of chosen font

From this, I have decided I am going to play around more with my work. I am going to take some new photos which are more related to the genre of the magazine. I am going to change the small points that have been noted, and hopefully this will be enough to get me the level 4.

Wednesday, 2 March 2011

Double Page Spread:

Here is my DPS. I would appreciate any feedback as it may help improve the DPS and my final grade.

Contents Page:

Here's my contents page. Again any feedback will be taken on board if it helps improve the contents.

Front Cover:

Here is my new cover. Feedback will be appreciated so that improvements can be made if needed.

Development of DPS:

Development of Contents:

Development of Cover:

DPS Idea:

Double Page Spread Inspiration:

Cover inspiration:

Contents Inspiration: