Thursday 27 January 2011

Experimenting with Photoshop:

Here I have experimented using Adobe Photoshop. I originally liked the idea of having a black and white cover, with main features in colour. I have looked into this and have managed to keep the guitar the colour that it was, whilst darkening the rest of the image a dark blue. I have also experimented with text to see how I could use it in the final piece, and have used tools such as beval. Obviously there are bits that could be improved such as the hand on the guitar, but when doing the actual cover, I will take more time over this and hopefully will look better and neater.

1 comment:

  1. some excellent work here. your main task now is to make sure that the drafts are completed by the deadline.

    make sure you post some shots of you working and some posts that show the development of the work from start to finish.
    also add any extra elements that link to inspiration e.g.; images, colours, layouts etc.

    your blog is really looking inspirational. one element that could be changed is the font used in the title. you could change it to match the font you use on your magazine. it will then tie the two together nicely.

    some excellent work here. your main task now is to make sure that the drafts are completed by the deadline.
