Thursday 6 January 2011

25 Word Pitch...

Garage Band; Classic rock genre; Target male teenagers; longshot of guitarist on cover, range of blues and greys; New, upcoming artists; History of rock music


  1. I like the way that you want to encourage young people to form a band. I think that your targeted audience is realistic because 13+ teenagers are the main age group for forming a band because of the social interaction aspect as well as the music. As your magazine concept is interesting, I think that your product will be successful.

  2. The idea of encouraging people to form a band inspires the younger audience rather than older, I think it should be available to a younger audience around the age of 14, up to the age of 19. The colour scheme sounds as though it would be attracting guys rather than girls, this also shows in the name. It's different to anything made before so it should be successful !

  3. I like the idea of introducing up and coming bands and encouraging young people to get back into classic rock music but with a modern twist to it. I feel your magazine will be successful as it's different to magazines that are currently on the market. I think the male teenager/young adult target audience is realistic as they are more likely to put together bands at college/university.

  4. I like this idea because it is an original choice of genre and the I think it matches well with the audience it is aimed at. The idea behind the magazine of encouraging people to make a band is a good idea as it is something that will make the magazine stand out. I would say the only thing to rethink would be the name of the magazine as it probably doesn't reflect completely on the genre. When complete I think it will be very successful.

  5. I like how on your double page spread you have decided to an article on the history of rock music as this would be of interest to the type of people reading your magazine. The name of your magazine may be misleading to someone that isnt familiar with it so you would have to make sure that it was clear that your magazine is a rock magazine and not of the garage genre.
