Thursday 27 January 2011

Experimenting with Photoshop:

Here I have experimented using Adobe Photoshop. I originally liked the idea of having a black and white cover, with main features in colour. I have looked into this and have managed to keep the guitar the colour that it was, whilst darkening the rest of the image a dark blue. I have also experimented with text to see how I could use it in the final piece, and have used tools such as beval. Obviously there are bits that could be improved such as the hand on the guitar, but when doing the actual cover, I will take more time over this and hopefully will look better and neater.

Band Profile

This is profile of the band that features on the cover of my magazine. Although it is brief, this is a general idea of them and how they fit in with the magazine.

Music Inspiration:

Here is another song that has inspired me to make my magazine the genre that it is. Jimi Hendrix was an excellent guitarist/singer and a lot of people are inspired by him, especially because he was so successfull at such a young age (he was extremely successful before he died at the age of 27). His sort of music is what I intend to refer to in my magazine to attract more audiences.

Guns N' Roses:

Music Genre Inspiration:

This is a classic rock song from one of the eras that my magazine focuses on. It is inspirational as it puts the listener in the correct mood, and is a song that my target audience will be familiar with. This sort of song has inspired me to use this sort of genre in my magazine which is why I am referring to it.

Cover Inspiration:

Thursday 13 January 2011

Analysis of an Institution: Future PLC

Guitar Stances:

Here I have found images of a range of classic guitar stances from classic guitarists such as Slash; Jimmy Page; Jimi Hendrix; Bruce Springsteen; Keith Richards; Mark Knopfler and some others. These images are inspirational and will help me in my decision of how the model on the magazine cover should stand. Generally, most of the images/stances have someone playing the guitar in which the guitar is pointed up in a certain direction.In most of the images, the guitarist isn't actually looking at the camera, and if he is, he is wearing sun-glasses, almost as if non of them want to make eye-contact with the audience, so they don't seem too intimidating. I will bare this in mind when the test shots and the main shots are taken. I will take all these ideas on board for when it comes to shooting my front cover.

Thursday 6 January 2011

Double Page Spread Analysis 3

Double Page Spread Analysis 2: Kerrang

Double Page Spread Analysis 1: NME

Contents Page Analysis 3: Q

Contents Page Analysis 2: Kerrang

Contents Page Analysis 1: NME

Cover Analysis 3: Rolling Stone

Cover Analysis 2: Guitarist

Cover analysis 1: NME

Conventional Magazine Cover

Many other magazines follow most of these conventions, but now and again some attempt to break the conventions in an attempt to increase sales and gain more audiences. For example, NME always position their mast head in the top left hand corner of the page, whereas most other conventional magazine's position their's right across the top of the page. Another example is Guitarist magazine, who often have an image of a guitar across the page, instead of the convention of having a person on the front. Using conventional methods will draw in audiences, but going a step further and breaking conventions, will attract more audiences because it is something different and exciting, and therefore will attract a larger range and larger quanities of people.

25 Word Pitch...

Garage Band; Classic rock genre; Target male teenagers; longshot of guitarist on cover, range of blues and greys; New, upcoming artists; History of rock music