Thursday 17 February 2011

Evaluating first draft using mark scheme:

The front cover of the magazine contains quite a few layers, and has a decent image on the front cover, although, the model isn't looking at the camera and in a way seems uninterested, yet also looks like he is concentrating. The colour scheme is consistent throughout, yet the guitar, which is in colour, is different to the rest of the colour scheme. I may play around with the colour of the guitar, to see if changing it will make the cover more exciting or not. Some of the writing on the front cover is slanted and makes it look a bit tacky, so therefore I am going to change this and see the difference. Good use of writing on the page and colour scheme just needs more thought into it. Good use of the slogan.

The contents is a bit simple. The colour scheme is consistent with the cover but the images are of different colours. The arrangement is correct but the writing is too big for the contents, and the page numbers only go up to 9. The images need to be bigger but less of them, and there should be more writing. Page numbers could be included on the images to increase mark. I think I will get rid of the box effects that are there, because I don't think they work to great effect, and I am going to base it a lot more on an actual magazine contents, by lightening the page and adding more personal effects that will link more with the audience.

The DPS is again quite simple and nearly effective but more thought is needed. The colour scheme is again consistent, but again small parts bring it down, such as the red writing on the right hand page. I think that I will lighten the background colour as well because I think that most dps's work better with a lighter coloured background. The image is quite good in the way that the three images murge together, but the background isn't effective so therefore that will have to change. I also think that the 3 members need to be looking at the camera, as I think this will interact better with the audience. There is too much writing, so therefore I think that I will write out a new article that combines the two features of the dps into 1 article, and therefore gives the page a bit more space.

Thursday 10 February 2011

Draft Double Page Spread:

Here is my Double Page Spread. I'm pleased with my efforts with this double page, because the main image featured on the right, was a combination of three images which I managed to crop and combine to make it look like 1 image i.e. the front two people are from two seperate images. To improve it, I think I will reduce the amount of writing that is on the DPS, and maybe try and make the left hand page a bit more exciting, because at the moment it seems to boring in my own opinion.

Contents Page Draft:

Here is my contents page that I produced on Adobe Photoshop. I have stuck to my colour scheme even during my contents and DPS, and am pleased with the outcome. When I finally hand in the actual cover, after recieving feedback from my mentors, I think I will try make the contents more like conventional magazines, because at the moment I don't think looks very much like an actual magazine contents page.

Draft Cover:

Here is my draft cover. This is what I have been working on since I started the project, and will develop the idea after I have recieved feedback from my mentors.

Wednesday 9 February 2011

Development Of DPS 1:

Here is the development of my Double Page Spread. I am planning to have my article on the left hand side of the DPS, and then the picture that I have arranged will be on the right hand side, with another small bit of writing in context with the image, to give the reader an idea of what the image is about. I have tested a range of colours with this main image, and think I may go with the image with the blueish tinge, because I think it brings the DPS to life a bit more. I may also include the smaller colour images somewhere on the DPS to involve the audience a bit more.

Development Of Cover:

Here is the start of my cover. I like the idea of using a black and white image and having the guitar in colour. I will need to think of a way to fill up some of the space on the left hand side of the page because at the moment there is too much blank space, and makes the cover look boring. I've been looking at other magazines, and I think that I could fill up the space by using writing about the content of the magazine.